February is somehow almost over (10 things since last month)

If not for the merciful leap year, I might be in worse danger of missing an entire month without posting.

One side effect of posting so much less is that by the time I get around to writing something, I’m in a little better position to synthesize and summarize. However, this comes partly at the cost of sometimes losing the fresh impression that I had the first time I was surprised by something.

Anyway, this post is to say ‘oh my gosh where is the time going’ as well as give you a quick rundown of what’s going on these days.

0. I started my Spring Break – the term I’m using for the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) vacation.

1. I went to Shanghai for a few days to meet some friends before going to

2. Japan! To meet family and wander about with Kraytul

3. Back to China (on the ferry, through the fog, bringing Kraytul with)

4. School starts again!

5. I decide not to continue my contract at this school
and start looking for another job … somewhere. I really like this school and would recommend it as a place to teach. I just feel like maybe my life should be moving on again. I’m especially considering things in policy, writing/editing, software/data analysis, and education; those of you who know me are probably not surprised at the breadth there… Actually, it feels a little strange to be open to working potentially … anywhere. After having my sights set on China for so long, this is a strange new buoyant feeling.

6. Kraytul is also applying for jobs,
and he gets accepted for interviews/evaluations at a company in the States, so he’s making last-minute travel plans to go about Asia and wind up in the States again for interviews and then go to Europe and … all over before deciding if he wants to settle down for a job or school or what. I found out this morning that he’s leaving tomorrow!

7. I’m considering whether I can be ready for the HSK 4
(Chinese proficiency test, mid-intermediate level) by the time testing season comes around in May.

8. The Lushan Institute that I attended last summer is accepting students for this summer. Check out: Lushan Institute. One of the many things I hope to do in the near future is add a page to this blog for Lushan-related things.

9. Woah, look a calendar! Japan was my big travel plan, so I can stop wondering about money and logistics for that. I now have until summer to go see cities and try to meet friends!

I am working on dealing with the fact that I have tried for so long to get to China and now I AM IN CHINA but only for another few months. SAD! But, also compelling. It’s like how I think fall is my favorite season because the awareness of winter’s onset makes the last warm days so much more imploringly lovely.

Speaking of seasons, I guess it is supposed to be spring here, which is why everyone is complaining that it is too cold and winter is taking so long. I haven’t noticed much change from December except that the days are getting longer again, thank goodness.

Ok, gonna have to do some more posting in the near future. My brother is beating me to it…(Stepping Stones)