Tracy Update ->

Hello everyone.

Tracy Update is now on Tumblr

Due to an inordinate amount of computer and internet difficulty, including a fried hard drive and more about mac boot commands than I ever hoped to know …I clearly haven’t posted anything in a long time.

However, I recently discovered that Tumblr blogging is conveniently accessible from here, so at least for the time being, I will be trying to send updates to the
Tracy Update on Tumblr.
(Yes, WordPress has email posting, but right now WordPress is a little more hassle than I want)

I’ve only got about a month left here, made to seem all the shorter by skyrocketing plane ticket prices. I do plan to continue posting pictures and writing about my experiences here (or on Tumblr..) even after I leave, since there is so so so so so much that I haven’t written!

I’ll be sad to go, but happy to arrive as well.
I’ll be seeing some of you again before I know it πŸ™‚