额 – forehead

A real quick post because I HAD to let you know… my favorite responses to chatting with Chinese people online are the following onomatopoeias:

嗯 - en1, this word is pronounced the same as that positive-sounding grunt that you might make to show people you agree.

额 - e2, this word literally means “forehead”. It’s perfect. It means ‘forehead’, and it sounds like that ‘ugh’ groan that you might make if you do something that actually causes your hand to hit your forehead.

Ok, that’s all for now. This was just really important 😉

edit: *额*
when I first wrote this, I accidentally typed (《恩》- gratefulness) instead of 嗯 - the onomatopoeia. oops. Thanks for the correction! The 口 kou3 (mouth) radical on the left indicates that the word is a sound.

This entry was posted in China.

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